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Footer Tools

Design unique footers and control where to display them

Footer Builder - Jupiter X WP

Drag & Drop and Real-
time editor

Build & manage
multiple footers

Conditional display

Get unlimited and visual customizability right at your fingertips

Jupiter X Footer Builder is completely visual. It’s your canvas to create! Drag and drop widgets, customize down to the pixel and see the results in real time.

WordPress Footer Builder - Jupiter X

Set your unique
conditions to manage different footers for different pages

As a powerful alternative to the default WordPress footer builder, you can add, preview, edit, delete and save multiple templates for any standard WordPress page in WordPress, all from one screen. Manage footers for single, archive, 404 and search result pages, plus WooCommerce pages like account, order details, catalog and more.

Jupiter X footer builder is optimized for all devices

Craft responsive footers optimized for a variety of screen sizes and select what to show and hide for each device.

Style as you wish: Locally or globally

Quickly add and remove form fields and select each field’s width. The Jupiter X Form Builder lets you simply drag and drop the fields to reorder them.


ready-made footer templates to
save you time

Jupiter X offers 18 footer templates and counting. Choose
one and customize it into something unique in no time.

Design unique footers with unlimited styles