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All Jupiter X features at a glance

Page Builder Features

Easily customize every aspect of your website without ever having to write a single line of code.

100+ Page Templates

Beautifully crafted templates for all industries and needs. Fully customizable and always responsive.

100+ Widgets

With over a hundred widgets, you can create everything from e-commerce functionality to complex designs.

Responsive Editing

Make your website responsive to up to seven devices and make sure it looks perfect on each of them.

Live Editing

See your website come to life in real-time as you build it.

Site Settings

In one convenient place, you can control everything about your website – including your site identity, your lightbox settings, your layout, and your theme.

Global Editing

Create the header, footer, and content of your website all from one place. Set global fonts, colors, and widgets to reuse across your entire site.

User Preferences

Set the website’s name, description, logo, and favicon, as well as its background and mobile background in JupiterX’s Global Settings.

Mark Widgets as Favorites

Pin your most used widgets to the ‘Favorites’ section of the Editor’s Panel to streamline your workflow.

Dark Mode

JupiterX’s Dark Mode allows you to design in darker environments while saving energy.


Visualize and access customized changes easily via indicators, navigate between all page elements or layers, and navigate between all page layers/elements.


Save time and effort by easily navigating between pages and dashboard settings with the search bar finder.

Contextual Editing

Create your website quickly by copying any element, styling, widget, column, or section.


You can save time by using keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys. This cheat sheet will show you all of them.

Right Click Menu

Right-click any element on your website to find options such as copy, paste, delete, duplicate, etc.

Multi Select

You can copy, delete, duplicate, paste, or reset the style of multiple page elements at once.

In-line Editing

Make blogging and content creation easy and intuitive by typing directly on the screen.

Auto Save

JupiterX automatically saves and backs up your work, eliminating the need to click and save.

Draft Mode

Even after a page is published, you can work on it by saving it as a draft.

Revision History

Use CTRL / CMD Z to undo or redo any mistakes quickly, and save or retrace any changes you have made.

Design Features

Global Fonts

Choose the fonts you want for your website, from titles to buttons, and apply them wherever you need.

Global Colors

With global colors, you can define the design system for your website. Save them once, then apply them to any element in your website.

Global Custom CSS

You can add custom CSS to your entire website and apply it globally.

Icon Library

Make your website stand out with 1500+ icons, or upload your own.

Mask Shapes

Create standout designs by transforming any element, such as an image or video, into whatever shape you desire.

Shape Divider

Using shapes to separate your page sections, add SVG, icons, and text to make them stand out.

Google Fonts

All widgets with text have access to hundreds of Google fonts.

Font size: PX, EM, REM

For better responsive design, scale your typography using PX, EM or REM.

Adobe Fonts integration

Make your website as visually appealing as you desire by adding your own custom and Adobe fonts.

Custom Fonts

You can use Typekit fonts along with your custom fonts throughout your website.

Custom Icon

You can integrate your favorite icon libraries such as Fontello, IcoMoon & Fontastic.

Absolute Positioning

Put a widget wherever you like on the page, regardless of the grid. You can have it scroll alongside the user or set it to have a fixed position.

Margins & Padding

Define the space between elements on the page, and direct users’ attention to specific areas by setting padding and margins for sections, columns, and widgets.


Using the Z-index feature, you can set the order in which elements are displayed in any section, column, or widget.

Flexbox Alignment

The power of Flexbox allows you to align and distribute widgets vertically or horizontally across each column, resulting in a “stretchto- fill” layout.

Nested Columns

Nest columns within a section to create advanced layouts. Build
complex designs with inner sections.

Inline Elements

You can place two widgets side-by-side in the same column with inline or custom widths. You can choose from Start, Center, Space Evenly, and more.

Custom Breakpoints

With full customization freedom, you can design for up to seven devices.

Scroll Snap

With snapping, you can control any section on the page to give your customers a better experience as they scroll through your site

Hide and Show Elements

You can choose which sections and widgets to display on any

Motion Effects

Using Scrolling and Mouse Effects, you can add animations and interactions to your website.

Scrolling Effects

Sticky headers, footers, or other sections keep your message visible as users scroll down your site.

Hover Animations

Make your website more interactive with hover animations.

Entrance Animations

Make your widgets interactive by including hover and entrance animations.

CSS Transform

Without writing a single line of code, you can rotate, scale, skew, offset, and flip any element on your page.


Make scrolling through the page fun and interactive by adding animation and interactions.

Mouse Effects

Make your website more interactive by shifting elements in response to mouse movements.

3D Tilt Effect

When the user moves their cursor over each element, the elements will float and glide slightly.

WooCommerce Features

Cart Customization

Make your cart look and feel the way you want it with section titles, labels, placeholders, and a branded empty cart template.

Checkout Customization

The checkout form offered by JupiterX is one of the most customizable and feature-rich on the market.

Product Page Customization

Your single product template can be fully customized with full control over the design and layout.

My Account Customization

Make your WooCommerce My Account page look and feel the way you want it, from the layout to the styling to the custom tabs and templates.

Product Archives Customization

Easily customize your WooCommerce product archive template.

Smart Coupons

Build a better relationship with customers and drive loyalty with smart coupons based on the shopping behavior in WooCommerce.

Personalized Product Lists

Design the most personalized product list based on dozens of factors, choose outstanding hover effects and customize it in minutes.

Product Image Swap Effects

Make a better showcase of your products by fancy image swap effects on mouse hover.

Side Cart View

With a side cart view, users can access cart items anywhere on your site. The side cart view is always up to date thanks to Ajax technology.

Wishlist Support

Wishlists improve the user experience and conversions. JupiterX is compatible with most of the popular wishlist plugins.

Variation Swatches

Make a better product search experience by using radio images, colors and labels as search options.

Express Checkout

Make a one-click checkout experience without asking the buyer to enter shipping and billing details.

Skip Cart Option

Speed up the WooCommerce checkout process by skipping the cart page and going straight to the checkout page.

Pre-Populated Form Fields

Allow your customers to spend less time typing by pre-populating information such as name, last name, Email, Phone,…

Automatic Address Lookup

Make address submission faster and more accurate (powered by
Google Places API).

Checkout Expiry

Make the checkout page expire after a certain date or number of orders and redirect buyers to a custom URL.

Pre-Filled Form For Abandoned Users

Help restore cart abandoners by pre-populating the checkout form and facilitating conversion.

Order Bumps

Display order bumps anywhere in the checkout form and apply personalized discounts based on doznes of conditions.

1-Click Upsell & Downsell

Boost order value with one-click upsells and downsell offers. Personalize your offers with dozens of conditions.

Auto-Apply Coupons

Automatically apply coupons to check out form based on dozens of behavioral and shopping conditions.

Sales Funnel Builder

Visually create sales funnels on an intuitive canvas and serve tempting upsell/downsell offers to maximize sales.

Dynamic Discounts

Easily build advanced dynamic sites such as booking, event manager, listing and more.

Smart Checkout Notices

Create conditional messages to display to customers at checkout to increase sales and reduce the abandoned cart rate.

Facebook Pixel Integration

Widen your Facebook advertising reach, improve targeting accuracy and deploy retargeting ads to boost sales.

Google Analytics

Track all major events in your WooCommerce shop with in-depth Google Analytics integration.

Marketing Features

Form Builder

JupiterX lets you create eye-catching forms, collect, store, and manage your data.

Popup Builder

Advanced targeting options allow you to create pixel-perfect, highconverting popups.

Dynamic Content

Using one layout, you can create multiple pages for your website and apply them across different audiences.

Login Forms

Make your website login form exciting and easy to use.

Multi-Step Forms

Split your form into steps for a better user experience and higher conversion rates.

Subscription Forms

Add an inline subscription form that your visitor can use to subscribe to your newsletter or service.

Action Links

With WhatsApp, Waze, Google Calendar & more apps, you can easily connect with your audience.

Social Proof

Complete control over the appearance of social icons on all your social media profiles.

Action After Submit

Make sure you decide what happens after a visitor submits a form, including the triggered integrations.


Customize the size, color, and typography of author-assigned star ratings.

Confirmation Email

After your visitors submit a form, send them a confirmation email in HTML or plain text.

Advanced Form Fields

Use JupiterX’s advanced form fields to upload files, add a date picker, and more.

Hidden Fields

Add hidden fields to your forms and track submissions.

Acceptance Field

Make sure visitors accept your terms by including an acceptance field in your forms.

Custom Validation Messages

Customize the message displayed when a user interacts with a form.

WebHook Capabilities

Use a webhook to automate form submissions to your email marketing platform.

Theme Features

Layout Builder

Turn viewers into engaged users by building high-converting landing pages right within your WordPress website.

Display Conditions

Determine exactly where your global templates appear across your website.

Bundled Premium Plugins

Using one layout, you can create multiple pages for your website and apply them across different audiences.

Header and Footer

With JupiterX it’s easy to create headers and footers visually and decide where to display them.

Sticky Header

Simple, one-click method to add sticky headers across your website. No special plugins or tricks are needed.

404 Page

Use JupiterX to build custom 404 pages for your visitors.

Archive Page

JupiterX lets you create a blog from scratch or you can create different templates for each area of your blog.

Single Post

Make your own blog post template and use it across your website or for a particular category, page, or taxonomy.

Single Page

Use Single Page Templates to customize your website’s static pages.

Search Results Page

Provide your users with a better search experience by customizing your search results page.

Version Rollback

In just a few clicks, you can roll back to a previous version and
restore it.

450+ Ready-Made Websites

An extensive library of ready-made websites designed by professional designers that are engaging and conversion-optimised.

Advanced Features

Maintenance Mode

Easily set up maintenance mode on your website with our coming soon and maintenance mode templates.

Version Control

In just a few clicks, you can roll back to a previous version and
restore it.

Custom Snippets

You can add custom HTML values such as marketing pixels, analytics, and meta tags to the head & body tags without any extra effort.

Image Size

Reduce image sizes in the page builder to speed up loading

Role Manager

Allow certain users to edit the content or restrict access to the editor altogether.

RTL Ready

Take advantage of JupiterX’s full multilingual support for LTR and RTL languages.

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