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The Most Powerful Elementor Popup Builder in the Market

Elementor Pop-up Builder - Jupiter X Live Demo

Drag&Drop and Real-time editor

Built-in Form creation tool

Precise Targeting

Build pop-ups visually.
No code required.

Create new pop-ups using all Elementor widgets. Also, it allows you to add pop-ups to different widgets and its content.

Jupiter X Pop-up Builder

Choose the position of
your popup

Place your pop-up in a corner of the page or show it as a side slide,
a bar in top or bottom or let cover the entire page!

wordpress pop-up builder - Jupiter X

Choose “Where” to
display Your Pop-up

Choose your pop-up to be displayed across your entire website or
just simply exclude it from specific pages, posts or blog.

wordpress pop-up builder - Jupiter X

Choose “When” to
display Your Pop-up

It matters when to display your pop-ups. Choose the right trigger to
display your pop-ups at the right moment.

On page load

On page exit

Page scrolled

Clicked a widget

User inactivity

On Date / Time

Pop-up action button

Pop-up Action Button widget allows you to create buttons that add Yes/No action to pop-up templates. Actions such as: Leave Page, Close Pop-up, Link and Close Constantly.

Ready-made templates

12 opening animations

Display again time schedule

Looking for a Powerful
Elementor Pop-up Builder?

WordPress Templates - Jupiter X