Jupiter X Product Filter widget offers the widest variety of filters, in-depth customization, visual product attribute swatches and a super fast response time to give your customers the ultimate filtering experience
Widest variety of product filters on the market
Custom Attributes Swatches
Add visual product variation swatches such as images, colors, buttons and radios to help customers choose their variations easier
Show product categories as filters with the number of available items in each category. Display categories inside the filter in different styles
Let users filter products by product tag within 5 different list styles
Add product price filters as checkbox list, button or link. With custom range options users can filter the products based on their budget
Product Rating
Let users filter products by rating to promote high-rated products!
Search Text
Let customers search within the criteria that you define (title, content, category, tag, attribute)
On Sale
Let users filter for only on-sale products
Stock Status
Let users filter items based on their stock status
Fully customizable filters
Customize every detail
Create vertical and horizontal filters
Add clear filters button
Show number of products for each taxonomy
Create and manage all filters from one widget
Show/hide sub categories
Order items by different factors (name, count, ID, custom)
Exclude specific items from your filters
Show items in single or multi-column style
Enable toggling for field groups
Use and/or logic to define if results should meet all or any of the chosen filters