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Animated Gradient

JupiterX Animated Gradients for Elementor allows you to create amazing gradients for sections, columns, containers, headings, buttons and more! Multiple color options and gradient angle adjustment are available.



Animated Gradient - Jupiter X Live Demo



Fahrenheit LR Set

JupiterX offers a variety of design options and advanced effects that will engage your audience.

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JupiterX offers a variety of design options and advanced effects that will engage your audience.

Mantra Meditation

JupiterX offers a variety of design options and advanced effects that will engage your audience.
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Colourful, Flawless Nails, Every time

JupiterX offers a variety of design options and advanced effects that will engage your audience.

Animated Gradient Buttons

JupiterX offers a variety of design options and advanced effects that will engage your audience.

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